Building Utopia, Part 0: Introduction.

Andre Marques-Smith, PhD
4 min readOct 10, 2020

A series of 6 blogposts where I offer my personal perspective on problems with academic culture from the point of view of a former early career researcher. I make suggestions on how to start combating these problems, based on my professional experience of 12 years in British academia, which included positions at Oxford, King’s College and University College London between 2008 and 2020.

Other parts in this series: Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Series Introduction

Like many other young people, I got into academia to chase a dream: a lifetime of learning, thoughtful experimentation and insight, away from the trials, tribulations and what I perceived as the worldly pettiness of more financially-lucrative careers. There were some moments in my 12-year career where I felt this Utopia was within reach, and a select few moments where I felt myself happily inhabiting it.

Ultimately, I decided the academic career path wasn’t for me. I pivoted onto a career on Neurotechnology and Brain-Computer Interfaces in the private sector and I found this to be an even better fit for my characteristics.

I didn’t stop believing in Utopia — instead, I realised it is not something to be found but to be built.

